Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hudson Business. This week: Jocstop

Stop at Jocstop on Hwy 94 and FM 1194 and say hello to Vijay. The courteous staff is always ready to help you. Need gas,or just a soft drink, Jocstop is the place to be. Wifi available. Come on in with your laptop and have a soda and sit in the air conditioned comfort and surf the web with your laptop. Hudson this week salutes Jocstop. Hwy 94 and FM 1194.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is nice that Polk does not have a monopoly yet in Hudson. Joc Stop and Lancewood still give the big gas pusher a run and keeps prices low. Help these little guys when you can. If Polk get's the strangle hold in Hudson like he has in Lufkin, well dig deep everyone.

7:58 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is nice that Polk does not have a monopoly yet in Hudson. Joc Stop and Lancewood still give the big gas pusher a run and keeps prices low. Help these little guys when you can. If Polk get's the strangle hold in Hudson like he has in Lufkin, well dig deep everyone.

7:58 AM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

That is absolutely correct. Thanks for the input. Competition is the key to a good business practice. it keeps us honest.

9:25 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use to love reading your site. The police car was kind of cute at first but it is time to move on. You seem to care a lot about Hudson it would be nice to see the real cars and then maybee the nuts would quit popping off. Also If this site is going to be another Lufkin Soundoff then i guess i will find some other site to read. Our community needs positive things posted not just attacks all the time what business would come here after reading this junk.

7:35 AM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Hudson needs is a Brookshire-style market. You'd think a town of 4,000+ people would already have a place for people to shop! Is there a reason why there isn't anything there? Maybe it's part of the long-term plan for Lufkin to annex Hudson? Y'know, by convincing people annexation will encourage business owners to invest there?


10:38 AM, September 06, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

The last time I looked, the right to express yourself was still a vaible resource. I find that speaking my mind has been an asset to my being. Freedom to comment on this site is the main reason for this forum. A place for Hudsonites and others to express their views. A place to vent your frustrations if so needed concerning issues within our City. And also a place to speak of the good things happening in our community. I did not intend for this site to become a "Sound Off" quarom. It may seem so at times but If so,then so be it. As for those so called nuts popping off, welcome to Hudsonweekly. I am not the anonomous one here. You all know who I am. I have no reason to hide behind anonimity. If someone else does,then they have that right. All comments welcome. And any conclusions you all bring to this and other issues I just hope I could be of some assistance.

12:06 PM, September 06, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

As for the Brookshire type market here, I also would love to see something take shape in this area. But the one thing we have to realize is all businesses start at home. A person with a dream to have his/her own and make his/her own.Some grow and others fail. But the willpower to succeed will drive us all. A simple country store with its charm and friendly people is in no way bad for our area, just the same as a Walmart is not bad for a larger City. Our home is what we make it, and our city is an extension of our home. With the right leadership in place, we shall thrive in Hudson.Our present council and leaders are right for the job. So lets ask them right now. What can you do to help bring more businesses to our city? What are the city's plans for the future concerning "Commercial Infrastructure". Are we just going to be the quite little "bedroom community" or the aggressive "Get things done" city.

12:17 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, to make a city a better place to be, you have to expose the warts. And, there are no cities that are wart-free, since money is always involved. I think this site is a great place to learn about the govt. in Hudson. Anonymous is free to disagree. That's what blogging is about--expressing opinions and alternate news sources.

8:39 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What warts. No one said a person did not have the right to express themselves but along with the right to express themselves comes the reponsibility to state the truth not lies and false attacks.

5:05 AM, September 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes we say things just to ruffle feathers and get people motivated. A little high blood pressure sometimes makes us exercise a litle more thought. Don't get complacent. Move on and let's get things going.

6:59 AM, September 07, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

Thanks for stopping by Pineblogger. And thanks for the incite. Blogging is in my opinion a place to connect with the issues and personal experiences of others in an open agenda. All comments are welcome if the persons dont attack individuals with no ties to public service or public forums. Anyone in a position of Public Works or an elected official are there under their own will. These positions are those which their will be praise for the good and criticism for the bad. I cannot put a sock in the mouth of an anonomous comment so to speak. I will say again,"All Comments Welcome". But no personal attacks on say a mother in law for instance.

6:50 PM, September 08, 2006  

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