An Opinionated Overweight Cableguy.
An Opinionated Overweight Cable Guy.
I have in the past few days seen comments directed at others,concerning matters of importance. The issues brought forth in this Blog are some meaningful,some not. I have no control over the nature of the comments. I must say I do enjoy the responses on my post. And thank you all for your comments. Let me repeat one little thing. I said "ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS". I have read some stating they are tired of my blog and will no longer read it. Some say I post it all myself,I can only say "Thanks for the input", But I do things in a manner unbecoming to some and delightful to others. I post what I see ,as honest as I can. (No fact finding missions here.) I am not a journalist, I am a simple guy with a simple respect for the city I reside in. I vote in all local elections and I take a part in shaping the City Council and Political figures by doing so. It is my right. As it is everyone else's right to comment as they see fit. Elected officials are placed by our votes. They are our voice. If we are unhappy with their decisions we have the right to say so. Those positions within City government other than elected officials are put there by our elected officials. So in retrospect they are placed there by proxy by us,The voters. So they also are in the so called "Spotlight." be it City Managers, Public Works Directors, Police Chiefs or yes even Professional Animal Control Officers. No one in City Government is immune from Public comment in this forum. Now As this has been a week of good and bad comments, I will now give my opinion. So get ready for the."STATE OF THE BLOG ADDRESS" One more time. I did Vote for Robert Smith. Any decisions made by Robert are "Just" as I have seen in the past. The Current council has been doing the job given to them by the voters very well in my opinion. The City manager (James Freeman) has been an asset to this community. The Sales tax residuals have substantially risen after his careful study of the problems of Lufkin and Angelina County receiving Hudson businesses tax money for years without the city knowing. The Public Works dept has made the streets passable and paved all streets. The Sewer Plant has run without a problem for years now. The Council members have been getting things done with no disputes whatsoever. I only have one gripe. And that is that I want to see more businesses interested in coming to Hudson. I want to see the City start working toward incentive packages for the future businesses to court our city for homes here. Now thats about it.And last but not least,We come to the subject of "The Animal Control Officer. He is a good friend and I do say that in all honesty. He has had some hard knocks and he has come through them well. I dont think I know another person in Hudson with as much commitment to his job and his neighbors. Good Job...definetely Good-enough. (Had to do that.)
Just a 'tip', anonymous comments are WORTHLESS... Much like the people that are too gutless to put their name on their 'work'... Blow it off, change your settings so anonymous can't comment and all your troubles are GONE...
I like your blog by the way...
Thanks Texasfred for the visit, I also enjoy your work. I must say ,the comments do fly when Government issues are involved, and small town politics is where it can really get up close and personal. But to be perfectly honest, without anonomous comments, the small towm critics would be no more. I am one to welcome criticism as I find it to be a policing of our local govt. 90% of the people criticizing Hudson's administration policies do so anonomously.Even with a screen name they are anonomous in a sense I suppose. A double edged sword? Or is it more like a drunken mind speaks a sober tongue, where being anonomous gives them the will to say the truth about their feelings.
Opinionated those that know you agree but overweight I would never have guessed it.
Overall this site has been a great site and I hope that it continues the only thing that bothered me was never about the site only people speaking lies and false accusations.
And I might add that If only I could remember my user name and password I would sign in.
Yo, I post as anonymous because I enjoy not being known for who I am. Is that such a hard bargain?
Of course, if you know my writing style, then you know who I am. So it's not a COMPLETE secret!
PS: Look at your IP addresses and compare it to the non-anonymous bloggers. You'll find my name, address and phone number! whatabout the animal catcher?? Those are no false accusations....
I spent a little time away from this blog for a reason,and that was to stay away from the feeble little people that hide and talk about others because they have a personal reason to speak badly of others. It is true, Texas Fred was right, I believe the anonomous comments are soon coming to an end. It pains me to know I probably know you, and I probably see you on a daily basis. Your weak little mind has opened your sour little mouth and squeezed out another fowl odor called a comment.
Amen this is probably someone who is jealous of the Animal Control officer. Probably a co-worker.
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