Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Are we there yet????

Is the vote really final for Hudson?
After the Polls closed and the ballots counted,the final word was in.WET COUNTY!!! Or is it? Some citizens of Hudson think not,or should I say hope not. The rumours of a petition to keep sales of alcohol out of the City limits have been coming up at some gatherings. I can only speculate that it may cause some divisions of the tide in Hudson. Lets go out and see what the fuss is all about and see if we can get some input here at Hudson Weekly. Anyone out there taking sides yet? Speak your mind here. All comments welcome. No name calling please. Keep the gloves on . Keep it clean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 4 mile stretch of Hwy 94 to be the only dry section of the county. Get real. The OK store at one end and new store on FM706 and all is for naught. If the people who are for this silly proposal have nothing better to do,then they could donate their time and money helping old people at nursing homes or something else more constuctive then making one small stretch of hwy 94 a freak of political nature. These are the same Walmart shopping rednecks who will buy goods next to beer diplays every where else and are for killing any hope of businesses ever coming to Hudson. It is hard to compete with Lufkin now, but we as a city will be behind the 8 ball for sure for getting a nice Appleby or Chille's style business. And don't say you don't buy there when you know you do. Butt out and let things run as the vote went.

6:50 AM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isnt much they can do,them at the churches and all. If the vote is ended then they are not going to change it. I am waiting to buy my beer at jocstop or polks. I cant wait. Saves time and gasoline. it is good for Hudson and even the churches. they just dont know it yet.

6:53 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say that we live in a society of bigotry and decieitful Christians is not the way to go about anything. I read an article in the Lufkin News that turned my stomach. The votes were cast the returns counted and the final result was confirmed. Get over it.

10:42 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point 1) Hudson is not the only city in Angelina county with rumors of petitions circulating to request a vote to stay dry - Diboll and Huntington are also on the list.
Point 2) Hudson is comprised of around 15 square miles, with about a 7 1/2 mile stretch from Lufkin loop west out highway 94, not 4 miles as previously stated.
Point 3) Yes, I consider myself a strong Christian, but don't you dare spin this into an attack on Christianity. The vote passed because there are enough citizens within Lufkin who don't like driving an extra few miles to buy beer, but there are almost as many people (read the final tally) who are still unhappy with a "blanket" vote county wide. Yes, I would support a vote to keep beer sales out of my backyard. I value my children's lives too much to let economics make my decisions.

4:37 PM, December 04, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

Thank you for your comments here at Hudson Weekly. And the geography lesson. I never realized the length to be 7 and 1/2 miles. Interesting to know. It is commendable of you to express that Christianity is not a factor here. I see no connection. Some are simply against it for reasons concerning safety and others for it for their own reasons. Some Local Church groups have voiced their opinion and all of a sudden its spinning into a war between heaven and hell to some. Lets drop this rhetoric and bring the issues to the table in a fashion that represents our fair city as being comprised of people with sensible means to solve sensible issues.

8:11 PM, December 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these people are really stupid. When people get into there vehicles drunk and drive all the way across the county to a wet county to buy alcohol, when they could send a friend by the store on there way, is ludacris. More people have died in dry counties from alcohol related accidents than wet ones because drunk drivers have to drive through the dry county to get to the wet one. A store that sells beer on the corner keeps the streets safer! The long trip to the wet county is too long of a drive for them not to drink on the way back! A quick trip to the gas station, they can wait the 5 min ride home or a friend would be more willing to stop or travel to get it for them without having to drive a long distance that would put the drunk person on the road.

3:17 PM, January 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, ignorance rears its ugly head. You obviously use the term 'stupid' to mean 'law abiding, moral citizen'. Why are you drinking and driving in the first place? Just shows your immaturity. The more alcohol is made available, the more it will be taken and consumed. If you choose to drink - and I have no problem with that, a cold beer after a hot summer day's work is pretty refreshing - drive an extra few minutes where your not in line at a store with families and children to buy your beer. Besides, Lufkin City is wet now, so you can just drive up to Brookshire's.

8:48 PM, January 30, 2007  

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