Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Distant View.

Gone Fishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am no longer in Hudson as you all know. I shall continue to note some of the local news as I see it. Maybe with an unbiased view as I no longer am effected by local issues. Some will say, I should not bother as my views dont matter.I may be somewhere else,but my heart is in Hudson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the Irreverent Bonner is flying another of his many petitions again. He wants to get Hudson dry. Well we are short on tax base now, why not kill any chance of new dining places or stores coming in. The vote passed, let it be for a while and let's see how it goes. It may not be the end of civilization as we know it. Maybe he should spend more time with the sick and poor,and old and less on politics. Some people just don't have enough to do. I have heard some of the die hard so they want shop where beer is sold. I guess they will go to Crockett for the time being. Well, got to go and will be seeing some of you at Walmart and some we better not see.

8:57 AM, November 13, 2006  
Blogger imaybeyourneighbor said...

I am so glad to see this election come and go. I am pro alcohol sales. I dont drink, but I personally would like to see the tax revenues benefit the city. Current council and City administrators will steer the city in a positive fashion to meet the needs associated with these new legalities. Mr Bonner should see the benefits and weigh them against his personal agendas.

7:42 PM, November 13, 2006  

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